I've been working on a variety of sea creatures recently, i'm not sure why but they just seem to be appearing on the page when i'm sat in the studio.
I often plan ahead what i'm going to be working on but as i'm up to date with my core projects i have time to be a little more free and just see what happens. I think the reason Mr Crab, as seen above, appeared on my page was because i added a few new colours to my SAA watercolour collection.
The cadmium orange called out to me and so Mr Crab was created! The pearl is beautiful to work with, it gives a stunning shimmer effect on top of base colours.
Though i often go straight in with watercolours this time i sketched out a rough pencil crab design, this gave me an area to work in with my watercolours. Once the watercolour base layer was dry i added the pen overlay. I'm pleased with how he turned out, i'd love to know what you think?