About Me

Welcome to my blog

If you have found this page you must want to know a little more about me? 

I'm Kerri-Ann Betty (previously Briggs), I have a passion for visual art and the written word which lead me to complete my open degree in Art and Creative writing then progress on to a Masters in Philosophy. I am the owner of Betty's Books & Devon Art Supplies a bookshop / art and craft supplies shop in Seaton, Devon.

As you can probably tell I love to write, which is one of the main reasons I have this blog. I also enjoy reading both fiction and academic texts. I have had a number of articles, poems and short stories of my own published over the years. I currently blog for a number of sites including two of my own, this one focused around writing, philosophy and books, my general life blog www.mywhirlwindworld.co.uk and my gardening blog www.tomatoesandtulips.co.uk 

In the photo below you will see my reading pals Lexi & Spurs, they often like to curl up with me in my study when I'm reading. You'll find a number of book reviews here on my blog, I review books that I personally choose to read, books that I'm sent as part of my job as a bookseller at Betty's Books and also books I'm sent as a book blogger and member of a number of book tour groups. If you'd like to send me a book to read and review both here on my blog and on Goodreads you can post them to 30 Queen Street, Seaton, Devon, EX12 2RB.

My core academic interests focus around art, aesthetics, consciousness, mind, emotion & relationships. I am a keen academic, addicted to research and gaining knowledge through studies, courses, seminars and workshops. I'm not sure what it was that inspired me to fall in love with learning as I didn't particularly enjoy secondary school but from college onwards I just found myself wanting to learn more and more. After completing my art, design and creative writing based open degree I moved on to a philosophy masters which has been both interesting and challenging. The opportunity to learn something totally different whilst at the same time enhancing my research and writing skills for me was an opportunity not to be missed. I am now wanting to progress onto a PhD in creative writing combining my philosophical interests in environmentalism with my love of fiction to write and study Ecofiction. 

Thank you for taking the time to read about me and my blog, I hope you will choose to follow it and check in to read my posts now and then.